Topic: Strategies for Beginners

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(3) - Mid Game Decisions

The sign that it's already in the Mid game is when you can see who is most likely going to win or lose, and after the first kill. Thought Process in the Mid Game is very simple yet very crucial.

  1. Assume it's going to become a 1v1 game. Imagine who in your team is the best one left alive.
  2. Try to set-up the 1v1 by keeping your strong character alive and keeping the weakest enemy character alive.
  3. After you kill the first enemy character, try to think first about "Who will be the worst character alive for the enemy team?" then kill that target .
  4. Try to kill the first enemy as fast as you can to cut off their chakra supply.
  5. Set-up the ideal End Game and prevent stalemates for happening. Kill the character that can safely stall or characters you can never kill 1v1.

Messages In This Thread
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:22
Strategies for Beginners - by DarkMoju - May 02, 2022. 05:39
Strategies for Beginners - by Egotist - May 02, 2022. 07:17
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:22
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:22
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:23
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:23
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:23
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:23

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