Legal Disclaimer
Arena-Boards is a community of anime and manga fans, which was made by fans, and do not have any relation with any series or characters featured, as well as any participation in any stage of production.

This site and the games associated with it is in absolutely no way to infringe any of the copyrights from the Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Bleach anime or manga series's which the games are based from. We only intend to encourage the continuing popularity of these Japanese Animations.

Arena-Boards is the community forum for the Naruto-Arena and Soul-Arena Generations Applications, which are fan-made games developed by a team of fans as a non-profit project. This forum will experience changes at any time without previous notice. All the rights realated to the game system, as well as the use of the software and its database, are properties of Arena-Boards staff, as stated on Art. 1ยบ e 2ยบ on Law No. 9.609 of February 19, 1998 on the Protection of Intellectual Property of Software.
All original images and character names are the sole property of the creators of the respective anime series. The use of screenshots from characters and eventual references to the series and do not constitute violation of copyright owners series Art. 46, incise VIII from Brazillian Law of Intellectual Property Law No. 9.610 of February 19, 1998 on Copyright and Neighboring Rights and art. 13 from Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

For all related matters concerning aspects upon the server which specific media is made available, information from this server resides on a computer system funded by the companies and/or parties associated with it. The use of this system may be, and is, monitored for computer security purposes. Any unauthorized access (hacking) to this system is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties under Federal Laws including but not limited to art. 186, 187 and 927, all the Brazilian Civil Code of 2002.

Under no circumstances will we be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly for any loss or damage that is caused or alleged to have been caused to you in connection with your use of, or reliance on, any content, goods or services available on any other site.

Any fundraising or donations to the games or forum will go towards covering server costs and improving the game. All donations are personal and not transferable, meaning they cannot be transferred to another account or registered player in the game

By continuing to access and use Arena-Boards, you expressly agree to all warnings and conditions mentioned on the site, as well as to all the terms above, further stating that you meet the requirements established in the Law on the content and use of this site.

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