Topic: What if

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We implement a way to revitalize the forums with exclusive in-game content? 

This forum is literally a direct resource to the game and should be more active in order to also rekindle the flame of: 

8-man/16-man Tournaments
Clan Wars
Clan Tournaments
Clan Threads
Recruitment threads
Graphic Design contests
Graphic Design showcases

Small in-game prizes could be obtained through activity on the forums. 
In my opinion, in-game titles are too easily obtained. They're unlocked simply by completing missions. To obtain special  in-game titles should be a little more difficult.

Post count: 

Reach 250 posts - Exlusive in-game titles (Bronze Tier)
Reach 500 posts - Exclusive in-game titles (Silver Tier)
Reach 1000 posts - Exclusive in-game titles (Gold Tier)

Tournaments hosted by the Dev Team / Admins could potentially have bigger in-game prizes.

Something interesting would be an exclusive character for winning a 32-man tournament, or possibly a Iron Tier 1-month patreon subscription.

Clan tournaments could be used to recruit members, win GFX cosmetics, and/or small cash prizes. 

So all in all, I get it. We need more players as a whole in order for this to function at it's best. This is simply an idea for the future if this community continues to grow.

I also don't think forum prizes should interfere (too much) with Patreon Subscriptions as it is a direct source of support; so if you guys have any ideas, share.


Messages In This Thread
What if - by Ainz - February 16, 2024. 04:41
What if - by Gematria - February 16, 2024. 06:25
What if - by Ian - February 16, 2024. 11:47
What if - by Ainz - February 20, 2024. 12:27

Ian .
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