Topic: [Honor-Obi Internal] Team Egotist [0] vs [3] Team LostAxioms

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Team Leader: Egotist

1. Egotist
2. Meirkzy
3. Elish
4. Ishida

Ururu, Rukia, Loly, Kenpachi, Sparrow Uryuu, Shinji, Tsukishima, Love, Final Hog Aizen, Muramasa, Yachiru, Res Wonderweiss
"When there's nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire."
[Image: egosig14.png]

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[Honor-Obi Internal] Team Egotist [0] vs [0] Team LostAxioms - by Egotist - July 29, 2022. 05:46

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