Topic: Strategies for Beginners

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(5) - End Game Decisions

The sign that it's already in the End game is when checkmate can be called. This is where invisible skills come in handy to threaten and throw enemies off. Thought Process in the End Game is focused entirely on impossibilities and creating that win condition you need while preventing your opponent’s.

  1. At this point, a mistake can cost the whole game, especially in close games.
  2. A lot of the times it does involve 1v2 or 2v1 or low health 2v2. At this point, there are no carries alive. If there is a carry alive at this point, that player has a big advantage.
  3. Create your win condition. The first question I think of is always “Can I stall this safely?” And “Can the enemy stall this safely?” These questions are essential to winning. Because if you and your enemy can safely stall, you might end up with a Stalemate - the WORST outcome in the game. This is worse than losing 10 games in a row. Avoid a stalemate from happening at all costs.
  4. Towards the end of the game, it might be hard keeping track of the opponent’s chakra costs for beginners. So COUNT THE COOLDOWNS. I cannot stress this enough. At all times, you should be counting chakra and cooldowns but in the End game, THIS IS A MUST. Punish enemies for mistakes. In a losing game, try to not waste your skills with long cooldowns unless it’s necessary.

Messages In This Thread
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:22
Strategies for Beginners - by DarkMoju - May 02, 2022. 05:39
Strategies for Beginners - by Egotist - May 02, 2022. 07:17
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:22
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:22
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:23
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:23
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:23
Strategies for Beginners - by Laphy - May 01, 2022. 07:23

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