Topic: Spam Kingdom: The 1st Edition

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(August 29, 2023. 08:52)Serena
Yes sirrrrrrrr

Ahahahhahah nice edit tho. :3
[Image: winged.png] Æ
Plus size queen
Minus size queen
They can’t be minus when they big as hell. Look at the average NA/SA player.
Oh you're right pig queen :)

You horizontally challenged ass bitch shut the fuck up before you cause an earthquake, You’re big enough to fit at least 6 adults in your body (Only possible if you haven’t consumed all 6 of them whole yet) Acting like a bitch and trying to talk about balding when you have lice in your hair than be eating your scalp daily, you overgrown dirty ass bitch shut your fucking ass down cuz you’re quiet as hell bitch you shivering in fucking fear you vagina sucking bitch you’re fav is overgrown like you with that messy ass hair , fuck you stupid hoe you’ll built like a hair clipper with your bent overgrown ass you ugly ass stupid you built like a swollen foot after getting bitten by a rattlesnake you nasty asss bitch
pussy check
All these men do is lie and cheat

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