Topic: update the game

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can y'all update the game?

and tell Serena to shut her whore mouth. 

Bitch, kys.

Aren't you a retard, Dyke, faggot, brony, furry, extra chromosome, fast as a fucking ant, on 600 pound life, shorter than the after 9/11, mcdonalds worker, burgerking eater, wendys disliker cus they have a salads, you block every person that isn't over 200lbs, beaner, cracker, roof worker, grape picker, rice picker , and napkin skin, with a girl dick ,male fail, skoliosexua, TERF, girl fag, ace of spades ,twink fucker, bussy fucker, closeted ,cock sucker, down low ,faghag, game of flats, gaydar?

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