Topic: [NGC] Art Of Shadow

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[Image: art_copy.png]
[Image: format1.png]
Welcome to NGC's first tournament, Art Of Shadow. 

Art of Shadow sets will be 2/3.
This tournament is a one-man tournament (No teams).
The tournament will be double elimination.

If there's an uneven amount of players upon registration then the last 2 registered players will play a 2/3 set to make the registration even.

First place will get: An In-Game background commemorating the tournament and a custom in-game background of their choice. 
Second place will get: An In-Game background commemorating the tournament and a custom in-game background of their choice. 
Third place will get: An In-Game background commemorating the tournament. 
Fourth place will get: An In-Game background commemorating the tournament. 

Upon registration, every player must ban 1 character. Each round, every player will ban an additional character. All bans from each player will stay banned for the entireity of the tournament. (Ex: If I ban Naruto when I register then Naruto will be banned for all players for the entirety of the tournament).

[Image: register.png]

Banned Character:

Registered Players:
Clover (empressclover)
Laphy (laphy)
MurderDragon (Murderdragon#0666)
trojanhorse4321 (thet1nman)
Diablo (diabolic0091)
Bara (bara#4252)
Patriko6 (Patriko6)
dexterities (dexterities)
TraGuy (TraGuy)
giansley (giansley)
Let The Pain Commence (TrillzMMA)
Shaq_120 (Shaq_120)
Simple (Simple)
darkmoju (Moju)
h0bby (h0bby)
[Image: rules1.png]
-Matches are 2/3.
-Each player will ban 1 character. All bans from each player will stay banned for the entireity of the tournament. (Ex: If I ban Naruto when I register then Naruto will be banned for all players for the entirety of the tournament).
-Do not repeat a character in the same set For example: Naruto can only be used once in a set.
-Do not copy your opponent's team (Using 2 characters previously used by the opponent also counts like a copied team)
-If you disconnect, your game bugs, or is impaired for any other reason (like banned combos or breaking rules) then your opponent wins, unless you both consent to a rematch.
You cannot use Character Skins.

– Full teams are banned: AoE (Offensive), Stun, Drain/Steal/Remove, Reflect/Counter, Heal, Affliction

YK/Hanabi count as stunners. Two drainers count as full team 

Alliance Neji + Any Hyuuga is banned.

[Image: open1.png]
[Image: 8yjDzN8CbFnlUfJAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png]

[Image: banned1.png]
[Image: D8eGU02rOJawAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png]

Rock Lee, Akimichi Chouji, Yamanaka Ino, Young Nagato, Yuki Haku, Shiore, First Stage Cursed Seal Sasuke, Ebisu, ANBU Yugao, Masked Man, Uzumaki Kushina, Hatake Kakashi, Akatsuki Orochimaru, Senju Butsuma, Uchiha Naka, Uchiha Naori, Uchiha Shisui, Kakko, Guruguru Obito, Kid Naruto, Kid Konohamaru, Kid Gaara, Kid Itachi, Ichiraku Teuchi, Uchiha Sasuke (S), Kazuma (S), White Snake Orochimaru (S), True Artist Deidara (S), Animal Path Pain (S), Deva Path Pain (S), Ebisu (S), Shimura Danzo (S), Yamanaka Inoichi (S), Mizukage Mei (S), Samehada Bee (S), Han, Fuu (S), Alliance Sakura, Alliance Hinata, Alliance Lee, Alliance Ino, Commander Darui, Karui , Alliance Gai, Commander Kakashi, Monga, Edo Tensei Torune , Edo Tensei Fukai, Edo Tensei Kyubi Kinkaku, Edo Tensei Jinpachi, Edo Tensei Nagato, Edo Tensei Sasori, Edo Tensei Itachi, Edo Tensei Roshi, Edo Tensei Sandaime Kazekage, Edo Tensei Yondaime Rasa, Edo Tensei Nidaime Muu, Edo Tensei Madara, Alliance Tsunade, Edo Tensei Shodaime Hashirama, Edo Tensei Nidaime Tobirama, Edo Tensei Kyubi Minato, Edo Tensei Sandaime Hiruzen, Sage Kabuto, Guruguru, Gedou Mazou, Rehabilitated Karin, Rikudou Obito, Resurrected Madara, Rikudou Madara, Rikudou Naruto, Otsutsuki Kaguya, Rikudou Sasuke, ???, Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Otsutsuki Asura, Otsutsuki Indra, Rikudou Hagoromo, Rikudou Hamura, Juubi, Kurama, Matatabi, Gyuki, Son Goku, Kokuo, Choumei, Isobu, Saiken, Haruno Sakura (TL), Nara Shikadai, Kokubo Renga, Goetsu Doushu, Tenseigan Toneri, Izuno Wasabi, Ittan, Uchiha Obito, Morino Ibiki (S), Aburame Torune (S), Uchiha Itachi, Cursed Seal Kimimaro, Cursed Seal Jirobo, Cursed Seal Tayuya, Young Jiraiya, Taiseki, Young Minato, Nara Shikamaru (S), Chiyo (S), Sasori of the Red Sand (S), Puppet Sasori (S), Fudo (S), Asura Path Pain (S), Raikage Ay (S), Captain Kankuro, Ruka, Edo Tensei Chiyo, Edo Tensei Chukaku, Commander Tobi, Gaara, Uzumaki Boruto, Uchiha Sarada, Kabutomaru, Aburame Shibi (S), Edo Tensei Haku, Suzumeno Namida, Alliance Sai, Alliance Ay, Onikuma Enko, Nara Shikaku, Shukaku, Second Stage Cursed Seal Sasuke, Edo Tensei Han, Jiraiya, Alliance Temari, Io, Dodai, Spy Kabuto, Hyuga Hinata (TL), Alliance Yugao, Six tails Kyubi Naruto (S), Sarutobi Asuma

[Image: bans1.png]
Demon Brothers
Uzumaki Nagato
Hozuki Suigetsu (S)
Momochi Zabuza
Edo Tensei Heiji
Edo Tensei Fuguki
Young Yahiko
Haruno Sakura (S)
Hyuga Hanabi
Shukaku Gaara
Darui (S)
Young Obito
ANBU Kinoe
uchiha sasuke
Edo Tensei Kinkaku
Mitarashi Anko
Alliance anko
Alliance Naruto
Yuhi Kurenai
Sage Kurama Naruto
Sartoubi hiruzen
kyubi naruto
Uzumaki Naruto (S)
Butterfly Chouji
Young Kushina
Maito Gai
orochimaru (s)
Uzumaki Naruto
Haruno Sakura
Hyuga Hinata
Kisame Body Double (S)
Fukasaku and Shima (S)
Yakushi Kabuto
edo tensei zabuza
young karin
alliance chouji
Jugo (S)
Chojuro (S)
Senju Hashirama
Nara Shikamaru
Young Kakashi

[Image: matches11.png]

Round 1:
Name: Clover
Discord: empressclover
Banned Character: Demon Brothers
Name: Laphy
Discord: laphy
Ban: Nagato
Name: MurderDragon
Discord: Murderdragon#0666
Banned character: Hozuki suigetsu s
[Image: 02.png]
[Image: gohan_tag.gif]
Name: trojanhorse4321
Discord: thet1nman
Banned Character: Rin
Name: Diablo
Discord: diabolic0091
Banned: Momochi Zabuza
[Image: remove_allies_mvp_copy.png]
Name: bara
Discord: bara#4252
Ban: orochimaru
Name: Patriko6 
Discord: Patriko6 
Banned: ET Heiiji
Name: dexterities
Discord: dexterities
Ban: edo tensei fuguki
[Image: W3AhKWP.png]
Name : TraGuy
Discord : TraGuy
Bann: Young Yahiko
Name: giansley
Discord: giansley
Ban: Temari
[Image: gian4.png?ex=657a1515&is=6567a015&hm=bd5...5350a3151&]
Name : Let The Pain Commence
Discord : TrillzMMA
Bann: Sakura S

osris3 .
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