Topic: Why this game is dead and not so many new players

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Do you fi*ing understand how ducking anoying it is to play this game from start , a new account. LV 0 with no caracters.

Every ducking time i try do missions with my lvl 7 acc i get vs lvl 30+ or lvl 40+ ...

I have stuffs to do and can't play all day... So it's so ducking anoying to stay 1 day just to do 1-2 missions because your stupid match makeing.

Fucking put same clases vs same clase +/- 1.
Or adds boots AI to play and never use others caracters except the one from the start.

Or elese...ppl like me will leave the game after 1 week of playing because it is to slow progres just because u get vs high lvl and better caracters
Because SA has nobody playing.
You are free to make suggestions towards character balances and such, especially for starters. Go right ahead. But to say “it sucks” isn’t going to do anything.

Another coon bites the dust.
(March 07, 2022. 03:11)DexterQert
Do you fi*ing understand how ducking anoying it is to play this game from start , a new account. LV 0 with no caracters.

Every ducking time i try do missions with my lvl 7 acc i get vs lvl 30+ or lvl 40+ ...

I have stuffs to do and can't play all day... So it's so ducking anoying to stay 1 day just to do 1-2 missions because your stupid match makeing.

Fucking put same clases vs same clase +/- 1.
Or adds boots AI to play and never use others caracters except the one from the start.

Or elese...ppl like me will leave the game after 1 week of playing because it is to slow progres just because u get vs high lvl and better caracters

Girl, I've lost many matches against gennins when I was jonin. This is not an excuse. If anything it's a challenge for you to learn about their skills and strategies and try to beat them.
(March 10, 2022. 01:44)Amane
Girl, I've lost many matches against gennins when I was jonin. This is not an excuse. If anything it's a challenge for you to learn about their skills and strategies and try to beat them.

Extreme copium levels detected. Sorry but it's true, that stuff is bad for you.

There's a lack of new players and this is borking up the entire matchmaking system. This is beyond obvious, but that's never stopped the residents of SA/NA from doing this kinda git gud or rather "st*u" reply. It was reductive unhelpful bs then, it's unhelpul and reductive bs now.

Does that mean what you're saying isn't true on some base level?

No, skill is definitely a factor in this game which is why I think people have let you off the hook with this one for so long. It's not so much it's devoid of all reason or detached entirely from reality. It's just that it ignores the issues. Also as for your anecdotal example, you're a sample size of one. This is and has always been a factor that many, myself included failed to grasp.

Does this mean there's no issue, or that their complaint isn't valid?

Also a big fat no

The fact this game (still and in spite of it's obvious flaws) has an unlock system based on streaks, specific character victories and kills etc. Means that the only way it works is with a healthy playerbase which this game clearly does not have right now. This system should have been heavily reworked and modernised long ago and with it's "next generation" upgrade should have been the very first thing to be changed. It's a nightmare for new or in my case, returning players. the problem is the missions, it always has been. Remove the heavy reliance on streaks, adopt a currency system if you like. But the mission system has been the absolute worst aspect of the game for ages now and that same system. Is highly detrimental to new and returning players. You're not MEANT to, in a ladder system. To face people with vastly more options than you and to that degree. It's not fit for purpose. Doesn't work. Believe me I've watched it not working for years.

Don't even get me started on the whole having to mission swap with people due to hilariously bad "kill x character x times in a row" mission types. All of which are designed imho, to stretch out a lack of content which frankly doesn't exist anymore due to updates to the game.


In my experience these problems have been endemic from the get go Poorly designed to either work to keep you playing in a really annoying way and no sense of continual progress at choke points of progression. This system worked sort of alright back in the days when it was highly popular, and playerbase count was high but those days are long since passed. If they can't fix the lack of players (probably never) then rework the missions to be less annoying. It's not hard, just takes admitting that it was never something to work long term.

Tl;DR of the TL;DR

Games f***ed.
(July 04, 2022. 11:46)Hellkaiser
Extreme copium levels detected. Sorry but it's true, that stuff is bad for you.

There's a lack of new players and this is borking up the entire matchmaking system. This is beyond obvious, but that's never stopped the residents of SA/NA from doing this kinda git gud or rather "st*u" reply. It was reductive unhelpful bs then, it's unhelpul and reductive bs now.

Does that mean what you're saying isn't true on some base level?

No, skill is definitely a factor in this game which is why I think people have let you off the hook with this one for so long. It's not so much it's devoid of all reason or detached entirely from reality. It's just that it ignores the issues. Also as for your anecdotal example, you're a sample size of one. This is and has always been a factor that many, myself included failed to grasp.

Does this mean there's no issue, or that their complaint isn't valid?

Also a big fat no

The fact this game (still and in spite of it's obvious flaws) has an unlock system based on streaks, specific character victories and kills etc. Means that the only way it works is with a healthy playerbase which this game clearly does not have right now. This system should have been heavily reworked and modernised long ago and with it's "next generation" upgrade should have been the very first thing to be changed. It's a nightmare for new or in my case, returning players. the problem is the missions, it always has been. Remove the heavy reliance on streaks, adopt a currency system if you like. But the mission system has been the absolute worst aspect of the game for ages now and that same system. Is highly detrimental to new and returning players. You're not MEANT to, in a ladder system. To face people with vastly more options than you and to that degree. It's not fit for purpose. Doesn't work. Believe me I've watched it not working for years.

Don't even get me started on the whole having to mission swap with people due to hilariously bad "kill x character x times in a row" mission types. All of which are designed imho, to stretch out a lack of content which frankly doesn't exist anymore due to updates to the game.


In my experience these problems have been endemic from the get go Poorly designed to either work to keep you playing in a really annoying way and no sense of continual progress at choke points of progression. This system worked sort of alright back in the days when it was highly popular, and playerbase count was high but those days are long since passed. If they can't fix the lack of players (probably never) then rework the missions to be less annoying. It's not hard, just takes admitting that it was never something to work long term.

Tl;DR of the TL;DR

Games f***ed.

The missions are ridiculously easy. If you think they are hard, then you must be as dumb as the majority of the player base wanting characters to get easy ass streaks and ratios to boost your egos. It’s not hard to win 3 in a fucking row with characters to finish a requirement.

You’re literally complaining about things that are so fucking easy to do. You have no idea about the game whatsoever.
(July 04, 2022. 02:31)Arbitrary
The missions are ridiculously easy. If you think they are hard, then you must be as dumb as the majority of the player base wanting characters to get easy ass streaks and ratios to boost your egos. It’s not hard to win 3 in a fucking row with characters to finish a requirement.

You’re literally complaining about things that are so fucking easy to do. You have no idea about the game whatsoever.

I literally played since about I think 1 year into NA and the original SA from the beginning as well as bleach tactics, I'm a returning player... Not a friggin newbie.

If the streaks were in fact limited to 3 in a row, that's pretty decent as a new standard however immediately after reading your post and looking into the later missions I already see that's NOT the new standard and it, from what I can tell sy least goes up to 5 in a row. If there is a 6 in a row mission it doesn't seem to be a common thing.

So you're freaking out and making a straw man of what I'm saying right out of the gate as well as lying about the reality of the missions? Denial is not just a river in Egypt it seems...

See, I've DONE these kinds of missions and then some in the previous iteration of the game(s) from the ladder breaking kakashi missions in n/a to the hilariously bad aizen mission in SA... It's not that the missions are too hard for "poor widdle ol me" far from it. I can still remember the hatred the old tenten/temari/zabuza teams got xD

But I've been saying for years, if you don't change the progression system then the game will remain insanely niche and dead. Nobody likes getting roflstomped by high tier unlock based teams. Nobody wants to try climb ladder facing the same stuff, because there's no other players around your level to play against with a similar amount of options/unlocks. So balking at people for pointing out a LONG standing flaw in the game in the effort of constructive criticism, isn't going to do much but relegate the games re-release to a guaranteed dead on arrival. Here I was all excited that my old fave game got an update... seems it's still in dire need of under the hood fixing and a lot of the admittedly positive changes to characters are surface level at best. I could find a ton of positives with the re-release. But the negatives are too dire and holding things back.

Simply put, you can have a progression system which focuses more on doing things but slowly making progress ie: you can have a tiny playerbase of disparate levels of progression and more do x skill x times and do x with x more times. Or you can have this system with a healthy playerbase count. But you cannot have both.

Oh well just my 2c but apparently I'm with all my experience just an idiot. seems some things never change. I've missed these boards, hows luapman, zelos and co doing? :^)

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