Topic: War Commander Tobi

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This is my first character. Also is there an easier way to show characters on here besides using links?

[Image: RP3nwJ3.png]
You copy pasted the wrong url.

Right click > copy image address.
Sometimes the direct links will work. Sometimes they do not.

And yes, links are the only way to post images on here. I fixed your post though.
Summoning Technique: Gedo Statue
In my opinion, this skill is too costly for so little benefit. And that the alternate skill is not within the image too. Which makes this skill even more unnecessary. I would lower the cost to 1 ninjutsu.

Kamui: Dimensional Transport
Mostly due to its cost and how much it can pack a punch. I suggest making the caster and its target be invulnerable for all skills. Lower the duration from 3 to 2 and add an additional cost to justify the amount of time this skill can prolong a match.

Summoning Technique: Kyuubi Tailed Beast Bomb
This skill is just OP as fuck. Piercing, aoe, full stun, and cheap.

Overall, the kit is pretty simple. Keep it up.
Thank you Amy! I appreciate the feedback. I'll do a rework of him with your tips. :)

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