Question: Are they from another planet, or something else
15 68.18%
People that somehow have some advanced/secret technology
5 22.73%
Some other intelligence here on Earth
2 9.09%
Total - 100%

 Topic: US Navy admits UAPs are real

Members viewing this topic: 1 guests

I always believed that is legit impossible for us to be the only alive beings with intelligence around this whole universe. I don't think they're those big green heads with black eyes beings but for sure we're not alone.
self proclaimed shaman king

Messages In This Thread
US Navy admits UAPs are real - by Ian - July 17, 2021. 01:43
US finally admits UAPs are real - by Serena - July 17, 2021. 09:11
US finally admits UAPs are real - by Ian - July 18, 2021. 12:21
US finally admits UAPs are real - by orochimarc - July 18, 2021. 01:22
US finally admits UAPs are real - by Ian - May 04, 2022. 01:48
US government admits UAPs are real - by Serena - May 04, 2022. 04:09

Kashi .
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