Question: Are they from another planet, or something else
15 68.18%
People that somehow have some advanced/secret technology
5 22.73%
Some other intelligence here on Earth
2 9.09%
Total - 100%

 Topic: US Navy admits UAPs are real

Members viewing this topic: 3 guests

People have been circulating about aliens a lot more lately. Especially this year. People have reported about seeing a line of lights aligned in the sky coming from numerous states and countries. The excuse were satellites ofc. But then there is also a bunch more theories still unexplained that should have been revealed. Earlier in May, someone who worked at Roswell was going to show everyone about aliens and other lifeforms at the beginning of June. But I have not seen anything. Makes sense for them to cover their tracks by getting rid of him too.

Messages In This Thread
US Navy admits UAPs are real - by Ian - July 17, 2021. 01:43
US finally admits UAPs are real - by Serena - July 17, 2021. 09:11
US finally admits UAPs are real - by Ian - July 18, 2021. 12:21
US finally admits UAPs are real - by orochimarc - July 18, 2021. 01:22
US finally admits UAPs are real - by Ian - May 04, 2022. 01:48
US government admits UAPs are real - by Serena - May 04, 2022. 04:09

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