Topic: Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens

Members viewing this topic: 1 guests

In most cases, they are just ghost games where both players aren’t in a match at all. The best solution is to log out of your account and log back in.

The issue with the gained loss is because one of you are still “ingame” while the other forfeited away from the screen. Refreshing will only help for a certain period of time, but logging in & out has been only thing able to counteract it for the time being.

Messages In This Thread
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by PeraXus - November 04, 2022. 11:41
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by Serena - November 04, 2022. 08:50
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by PeraXus - November 09, 2022. 12:00
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by Serena - November 09, 2022. 02:17
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by PeraXus - November 10, 2022. 11:26

Ian .
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