Topic: Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens

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I'm playing on Android mobile and sometimes I run into a problem with the game. More precisely, he finds the game, everything looks normal, the opponent starts the game, his time bar drops to zero and nothing ...I'm waiting and waiting but nothing happens. So im trying to reload game using refreshing button on the top right corner and game reloaded with the same enemy and again he started turn first bar goes to 0 and again nothing. I'm closing game opening again and my win streak from +3 goes to -1. Today was 3rd time that happened to me so I'm saying. Is that normally or that's just on Android or just me?

Messages In This Thread
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by PeraXus - November 04, 2022. 11:41
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by Serena - November 04, 2022. 08:50
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by PeraXus - November 09, 2022. 12:00
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by Serena - November 09, 2022. 02:17
Enemy turn is finished but nothing happens - by PeraXus - November 10, 2022. 11:26

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