Topic: Mitsuki [By Kito]

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(January 07, 2021. 01:44)gardmau5
Nice! A character with a lot of New thinking build in. Being able to adapt wether i face an AOE or a lot of DR is awesome  :yoshi: And looks quite balanced too.. Maybe snake lightning could cost a rndm, not sure.
Good Job!

I was going to same the very same thing. Bravo. I love the passive-aggressive effect. :)

Messages In This Thread
Mitsuki [By Kito] - by Kito - January 06, 2021. 05:27
Mitsuki [By Kito] - by gardmau5 - January 07, 2021. 01:44
Mitsuki [By Kito] - by Kito - January 07, 2021. 03:09
Mitsuki [By Kito] - by Amane - December 14, 2022. 01:29

tetsuya .
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