Topic: Let's try this again

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Hey guys,

I'm eaglesgunot, for anyone who used to play. I started playing this game around 2007 and played well into 2015- 2016.

I tried playing again 2 years ago but didn't last after like two days.
So now after playing for about a week, every day, I feel more confident I'll be playing more.

(Btw there are so many characters now )

Messages In This Thread
Let's try this again - by eaglesgunot - April 25, 2022. 02:10
Let's try this again - by Serena - April 25, 2022. 02:28
Let's try this again - by eaglesgunot - April 25, 2022. 02:36
Let's try this again - by RedHeadZoli - April 26, 2022. 05:57
Let's try this again - by eaglesgunot - April 26, 2022. 11:20

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