Topic: Better Matchmaking

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this to me is the cry of a frustrated player who cannot learn the game
the game has always been like that, its difficulty has always been the reason people want to play and try to improve more and more until they manage to make a +40 streak
you have to understand that you will suffer for a month or two and then start to have a good level of game play and that is in any game.
this nutella generation that wants everything in hand is awesome

Messages In This Thread
Better Matchmaking - by Enigma - December 28, 2021. 07:47
Better Matchmaking - by Serena - December 28, 2021. 01:37
Better Matchmaking - by Oro - December 28, 2021. 06:39
Better Matchmaking - by PoeT - December 29, 2021. 04:37

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