Topic: Better Matchmaking

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Right so joined today, started trying to play and what not but this game needs a better match making system, not only does it put you against way higher players with better teams that you have no chance to beat I litterally faced the same person who was rank 4 in the leaderboard's

9 damn times as a lvl 1.

This is kind of bullshit. There needs to be some semblence of balanced matchmaking where you can actually face a opponent in ladder that is somewhere near your actual level.

Now this doesn't work as well with resets but as it is now, it is inhospitable to newer players who cant complete any missions, cant get past level 1 because they dont have super mega op characters.

I get it you unlocked the characters you should be allowed to use them, but again this is a serious issue and I am sure I am not the only one who is facing this problem.

And it is not just one arena its both.

Messages In This Thread
Better Matchmaking - by Enigma - December 28, 2021. 07:47
Better Matchmaking - by Serena - December 28, 2021. 01:37
Better Matchmaking - by Oro - December 28, 2021. 06:39
Better Matchmaking - by PoeT - December 29, 2021. 04:37

Dexteris, XrandSatria .
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