Topic: Freedom Fighters - Tournament

Members viewing this topic: 1 guests

[Image: freedom-fighters.png]

[Image: freedom-registration.png]

To be eligible to participate, you must join the Clan Wars server here so you are able to find your opponents.

Discord Tag:

The character you choose is the character you must have in every team throughout the tournament. You CANNOT choose the same character as another participant.

[Image: freedm-rules.png]

- All matches will be 3/5.
- Copying the opponent's team is against the rules. (2/3 characters)
- If you disconnect, your game bugs, or is impaired for any other reason then your opponent wins unless you both consent to a rematch.
- You may only use a char once per match (Example: You may only use Kiba once in a 3/5 match).
- No full draining, counter/reflect, stun, AoE, Inv, or healing teams. Characters like Neji(S), Kabuto, Zabuza, Young Nagato, Minato count as AoE. YK/Hanabi count as stunners
- If an opponent uses a banned or full team a screenshot with a timestamp must be provided in order for it to be counted as a win.
- Characters released after 10/08/2021 are banned.

[Image: freedom-bans.png]

Banned Characters
Chouji, Ino, Zabuza, Haku, Gaara, Shiore, Ebisu, Yondaime Minato, Hashirama, Fuka (S), Sasuke (S), Kazuma (S), Hidan (S), Itachi (S), Uzumaki Nagato, Young Tsunade, Tsume (S), Hiashi (S), Roshi (S), Sage Naruto, Female Animal Path, Temari (S), Darui, Susanoo Sasuke, Danzo, White Zetsu, Sakura (A), Sai (A), Hinata (A), Tenten (A), Ittan, Omoi.

Messages In This Thread
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Serena - October 07, 2021. 04:46
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Serena - October 07, 2021. 04:46
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Serena - October 07, 2021. 05:01
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Laphy - October 07, 2021. 05:08
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by DarkMoju - October 07, 2021. 05:09
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by MoGreen - October 07, 2021. 05:22
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by MurderDragon - October 07, 2021. 05:29
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Allenek - October 08, 2021. 12:08
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Gamee - October 08, 2021. 02:47
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by gardmau5 - October 08, 2021. 02:51
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Serena - October 08, 2021. 04:23
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by gardmau5 - October 08, 2021. 05:20
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Serena - October 08, 2021. 06:05
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by gardmau5 - October 08, 2021. 08:36
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by MoGreen - October 09, 2021. 05:57
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by MurderDragon - October 09, 2021. 09:54
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Allenek - October 09, 2021. 10:55
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Serena - October 09, 2021. 10:58
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by gardmau5 - October 09, 2021. 03:16
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Allenek - October 11, 2021. 09:28
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Serena - October 11, 2021. 09:58
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Allenek - October 11, 2021. 11:05
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by gardmau5 - October 11, 2021. 05:03
Freedom Fighters - Tournament - by Serena - October 11, 2021. 11:15

Amane .
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