Question: Are you excited for the Superbowl today?
Hell yeah of course
4 36.36%
3 27.27%
Eh. Not really.
3 27.27%
1 9.09%
Total - 100%

 Topic: Superbowl Sunday

Members viewing this topic: 1 guests

Yeah I ended up missing most of it but once it ended many people in this neighborhood were yelling and coming outside and banging their walls and stuff. Never seen anything like that people must take their football seriously. Jeez.

Messages In This Thread
Superbowl Sunday - by Ian - February 11, 2024. 12:59
Superbowl Sunday - by Ainz - February 11, 2024. 03:46
Superbowl Sunday - by Gematria - February 11, 2024. 08:45
Superbowl Sunday - by Ian - February 13, 2024. 02:33

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