Question: Are you excited for the Superbowl today?
Hell yeah of course
4 36.36%
3 27.27%
Eh. Not really.
3 27.27%
1 9.09%
Total - 100%

 Topic: Superbowl Sunday

Members viewing this topic: 2 guests

Most of my friends and other people around me are going all crazy over the game today.

Anyone else anticipating this game and if so which team are you hoping comes out as the winner?

Personally I never been much into sports I'm more of the music kind of dude. But yeah. Football is cool too.

Messages In This Thread
Superbowl Sunday - by Ian - February 11, 2024. 12:59
Superbowl Sunday - by Ainz - February 11, 2024. 03:46
Superbowl Sunday - by Gematria - February 11, 2024. 08:45
Superbowl Sunday - by Ian - February 13, 2024. 02:33

osris3 .
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