Topic: [n-a] 4 tails is beyond broken

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its not so hard to win against it, tails has no chance against aoe teams or teams that use inv like chouji etc

Also having kushina means insta win
[Image: IMG-20210601-213242.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
4 tails is beyond broken - by Chase - July 06, 2023. 04:27
4 tails is beyond broken - by Serena - July 06, 2023. 06:32
4 tails is beyond broken - by RedHeadZoli - July 06, 2023. 10:50
4 tails is beyond broken - by Serena - July 07, 2023. 05:33
4 tails is beyond broken - by Age_of_Pirates - July 09, 2023. 05:00

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