Topic: Rate it (BG in game)

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It needs some lightning, it feels kinda empty and lifeless, lose that effect on ur c4d.
Brighten it up and you are good to go.


Messages In This Thread
Rate it (BG in game) - by GUGA - January 08, 2021. 08:35
Rate it (BG in game) - by binho - January 08, 2021. 09:18
Rate it (BG in game) - by GUGA - January 08, 2021. 10:20
Rate it (BG in game) - by Serena - January 08, 2021. 09:56
Rate it (BG in game) - by GUGA - January 08, 2021. 10:19
Rate it (BG in game) - by Ainz - January 09, 2021. 03:40
Rate it (BG in game) - by Coomils500 - January 13, 2021. 03:07
Rate it (BG in game) - by Cheelye - February 02, 2021. 07:13
Rate it (BG in game) - by Latanzi - October 23, 2021. 09:16
Rate it (BG in game) - by Indoorsman - January 03, 2022. 05:12

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