Topic: Rate it (BG in game)

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Hey guys, I would like to know what you think about it, depending how it goes I can start to do some requests of BGs just like as I do on my Avy Shop (click).

Salve galera, por favor me digam o que vocês acham deste BG... Dependendo da opinião de geral, talvez eu comece a fazer BGs no 0800 pra geral, tal como já faço com os avys aqui.

[Image: q4DOw2h.png]

[Image: unknown.png?width=683&height=427]
[Image: NaQ7dbJ.png]

Messages In This Thread
Rate it (BG in game) - by GUGA - January 08, 2021. 08:35
Rate it (BG in game) - by binho - January 08, 2021. 09:18
Rate it (BG in game) - by GUGA - January 08, 2021. 10:20
Rate it (BG in game) - by Serena - January 08, 2021. 09:56
Rate it (BG in game) - by GUGA - January 08, 2021. 10:19
Rate it (BG in game) - by Ainz - January 09, 2021. 03:40
Rate it (BG in game) - by Coomils500 - January 13, 2021. 03:07
Rate it (BG in game) - by Cheelye - February 02, 2021. 07:13
Rate it (BG in game) - by Latanzi - October 23, 2021. 09:16
Rate it (BG in game) - by Indoorsman - January 03, 2022. 05:12

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