Topic: Shikamaru (S)

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Shikamaru is my favorite character from Naruto. Thought I'd make him first. I know the facepic could be better but it is what it is. This is my first custom character in a while and I'm average at the game so what do I really know about making them. Anyways, rate and cnc.


***Updated/Edited as of 1/6/2021. Credit to Kito for the facepic.***

[Image: 1DzdDRG.png]

Messages In This Thread
Shikamaru (S) - by Ainz - January 05, 2021. 10:44
Shikamaru (S) - by Treston - January 05, 2021. 11:08
Shikamaru (S) - by Ainz - January 05, 2021. 11:19
Shikamaru (S) - by Laphy - January 05, 2021. 11:38
Shikamaru (S) - by Ainz - January 05, 2021. 11:52
Shikamaru (S) - by Kito - January 06, 2021. 12:01
Shikamaru (S) - by Ainz - January 06, 2021. 12:03
Shikamaru (S) - by Kito - January 06, 2021. 12:04
Shikamaru (S) - by Ainz - January 06, 2021. 12:18
Shikamaru (S) - by CptKenpachi - January 07, 2021. 03:18
Shikamaru (S) - by Ainz - January 07, 2021. 04:07
Shikamaru (S) - by Kito - January 07, 2021. 04:11
Shikamaru (S) - by Ainz - January 07, 2021. 08:43

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