Topic: Shizune (S) - support character

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(February 23, 2022. 05:38)Laphy
I'm thinking you are new to making Supports because this character is not suited to be a support due to how weak she is. Remember you are turning the battle into 2v3 the moment you put a support so you need to adjust them accordingly. This character seems to be a regular character with support instakill passive attached.

The heal is definitely the weakest of them all. Even at free cost or no cd, I honestly think this is just too weak. This is probably supposed to be her spam heal I assume but executed wrong.

Katsuyu is ok. But still a little too weak for a Support-standard.

Drug is eh. I'd turn them immune to bleed and aff instead but regardless, this effect is very niche and probably not gonna be felt in most matches.

Tonton is Tonton lmao.

Passive is where things get tricky. You limited all your skills because of the passive. I think this is an overestimation of how you thought she'll do but she was already weak from the start and this killed her even more. The mechanic of how the stacks add is for sure interesting; The effect might not be worth the effort you have to put though.

Overall, she is definitely weak even as a regular character - and even worse as a Support. I am only assuming this is one of your first few attempts in making a Support character so I hope this helps

Thanks. It's harsh, but at least you gave concrete reasons, unlike most other people. I didn't want to make her too abusable, maybe doing so I ended up making her too weak.

Messages In This Thread
Shizune (S) - support character - by Amane - January 28, 2022. 09:25
Shizune (S) - support character - by Amane - February 13, 2022. 09:48
Shizune (S) - support character - by Amane - February 23, 2022. 03:36
Shizune (S) - support character - by Serena - February 23, 2022. 05:20
Shizune (S) - support character - by Amane - February 24, 2022. 03:54
Shizune (S) - support character - by Serena - February 24, 2022. 04:28
Shizune (S) - support character - by Laphy - February 23, 2022. 05:38
Shizune (S) - support character - by Amane - February 24, 2022. 03:53
Shizune (S) - support character - by gardmau5 - February 24, 2022. 05:55

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