Topic: Tonton - support character

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(February 19, 2022. 03:51)Amane
Yes, that's kind of the whole point of Tonton. She's never shown an offensive skill, so I thought it would be interesting to make her into a support character only. And given her loyalty to Shizune and Tsunade, her additional benefits should apply to them specifically, not just any medical ninja.

Yeah, nothing bad in this character so I can tell. Tactical & Support characters are more creative than only just damage braindeadly. So keep it up.

Messages In This Thread
Tonton - support character - by Amane - February 18, 2022. 03:55
Tonton - support character - by Amane - February 18, 2022. 04:02
Tonton - support character - by RedHeadZoli - February 19, 2022. 01:06
Tonton - support character - by Amane - February 19, 2022. 03:51
Tonton - support character - by RedHeadZoli - February 19, 2022. 06:19
Tonton - support character - by TrueZeero - February 19, 2022. 10:51
Tonton - support character - by RedHeadZoli - February 20, 2022. 02:05
Tonton - support character - by Amane - February 20, 2022. 02:23
Tonton - support character - by Amane - March 13, 2022. 02:11
Tonton - support character - by Amane - February 10, 2023. 07:26

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