• Character/stock image: https://images7.alphacoders.com/755/755606.jpg
• Text/symbol: insert here either the text you want, symbol or both; https://i.imgur.com/rzJj1.png
• Discord/N-A avatar: Both please
• Other additional details: Can you have the D icon zoom in and out like ancientplayers
Thank you :DD. Also can you have the avy show her face and a bit of her upper body thanks
• Text/symbol: insert here either the text you want, symbol or both; https://i.imgur.com/rzJj1.png
• Discord/N-A avatar: Both please
• Other additional details: Can you have the D icon zoom in and out like ancientplayers
Thank you :DD. Also can you have the avy show her face and a bit of her upper body thanks