Topic: Konohamaru Sarutobi [By Kito]

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Tbh I like the concept, but it's quite hard to balance a character that won't need chakra to make a move. In my opinion, he's slightly UP given that the only skill that could be useful in a battle is "not so sexy", the other ones would be used just because it costs nothing. On that thought, his skill cooldowns could make him a predictable character, since he will attack every round he can, and most of the time, only one skill would be available. 
It's quite original tho, I like it, keep them coming!
Avy by Guga

Messages In This Thread
Konohamaru Sarutobi [By Kito] - by Kito - December 11, 2020. 10:01
Konohamaru Sarutobi [By Kito] - by Felipe - December 11, 2020. 04:50
Konohamaru Sarutobi [By Kito] - by Laphy - December 11, 2020. 05:24

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