Topic: Edo Tensei Minato

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Hi, I've been thinking about doing this for a bit, I'm looking to do a few Edo Tensei characters with all sharing the same passive that you'll see below. Rinne Rebirth will be a skill that a few characters posses, Nagato is one example, he is the first one to have cast it in the anime, perhaps this skill could interact with Chiyo's revival skill as well. Essentially any character that has a revival skill in naruto [except ofc edo tensei ability itself] could interact with the Edo Tensei passive. Feedback on this concept will be appreciated to see how ppl like characters directly interact/need another character's skill to trigger their own skills 2nd effects.

Messages In This Thread
Edo Tensei Minato - by Alkantos - December 11, 2020. 03:33
Edo Tensei Minato - by Treston - December 11, 2020. 04:27
Edo Tensei Minato - by Laphy - December 11, 2020. 05:17

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