Topic: Ukraine

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Укропчики, пішли розносити їх в цій грі, є хто живий?
Moved to the new section for this country
thanks my man
(March 10, 2023. 03:23)BichMorkovka
thanks my man

Question though, are you guys part of the European union technically or no
(March 10, 2023. 04:03)Ian
Question though, are you guys part of the European union technically or no

as far as I know, no, we are not part of the European Union, that's why there was a fight on the Maidan, as far as I know (google translator)
Oh. Alright.
.just asking so I know where to put this section.
(March 06, 2023. 08:39)BichMorkovka
Укропчики, пішли розносити їх в цій грі, є хто живий?

Плюс. Город Черновцы.
(March 13, 2023. 02:56)Never367
Плюс. Город Черновцы.

Як любив співати наш учитель музики "Ласкаво просимо")

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