Frequently Asked Questions
You can find the most asked questions that we often get from our members about the game and forum with the answers to them on this topic. As time goes on more will be added to this topic as more questions are asked.

I can't login to the forum and my password is definitely right. What's the problem?
Unfortunately for the time being, the game and forum don't share the same member system. This means you need to register a separate account on the forum.

How many posts do I need to reach a new rank?
The list can be found here

How do I become a moderator?
There is no way to become a moderator or join the staff on your own. This is something decided by the admins and head moderators.

Why is my post count not increasing when I post sometimes?
This would be because some of our categories and sections have post count disabled.  More info on this soon .
Ian .
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